Courses of Study...
The medium of instruction is English. Hindi, Bengali, Nepali, Urdu, Thai, Korean and Butanes are taught as second & third languages. Courses are so geared that student can offer a combination of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History/Civics, Geography, Commerce, Environmental Education, Computer Science, Nepali, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Third Language and Art and Craft.
As per Indian Council of Secondary Board Instructions, the Breakup of the Four (4) Major Examination of the year are : First Card Test. Mid-Term Examination, Second Card Test and Final Promotion Examination.
The courses are carefully designed with Educational Video System to ensure that each individual's development and the progress of each class is closely monitored. Through this specially oriented system of education the children are to carry only books that they have to learn in the class and no extra burden of books.
Weekly/Monthly tests to help the student choose a better career option in future.

TEACHING STAFF...                                                                                      Teachers are the sole of the school. Athens school has a very experienced management and qualified teachers to guide the students in complete discipline. The teaching staff possessing extra-ordinary diplomas in child-psychology specialized in ultramodern education system responsible for guidance of the young talents in self discipline and character building apart from infusing basic  moral value through its special teaching system. The school's primary objective is to meet the ever changing needs of the students and society by providing high quality instruction through experienced dedicated and qualified teachers. We have a specially selected team of teaching staff fully conversant in child psychology and modern technology in education.