Athens Boarding is run by a separate entity under the supervision of a well trained matrons & experienced nurses. The residential staff will see that along with love and care, discipline is maintained by the students. We have made every possible effort to make the boarding a cosy and pleasant place to live in so as to avoid the students form feeling homesick. The main residential section of school is well-designed and functional and contains all the amenities required in a modern residential school. Spaciousness and cleanliness are the main considerations and there is a marked absence of any kind of overcrowding especially in the dormitories. Modern & Hygienic hostel facilities available.
The health of the student is entrusted to a resident, experienced nursing sister, in addition to the doctors who visit the boarding regularly. The boarding has an infirmary for the sick children. Whenever, a student has been admitted to the infirmary for more than a couple of days, an intimation along with the progress report of the patient shall be sent to the parents at the earliest. Cases of serious nature requiring special care and treatment shall howev
The commissariat is stringently supervised and everything to do with food and cooking is given special attention. Trained cooks are engaged and special attention is given towards supply of proper and nutritious delicious food to the students both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Milk will be provided at 6:20 A.M. everyday and Horlicks and tucks will be provided at 4:30 P.M. everyday. Parents should be rest assured that their child will be given fresh Chicken, Mutton & Fish. Special arrangement have been made for the strict Vegetarian pupils and Muslim pupils.

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